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Personalized Rings: Top 3 Things You Need to Know

Mar 2nd 2022

by Barry Torman

Your Perfect Personalized Ring

Rings are an accessory. They aren’t complicated and don’t require much effort. But there are 3 things you need to consider when picking the perfect ring!



Make a statement. Whether it’s an engagement ring or a ring sporting your birthstone, dazzle any day with a gemstone ring


Initially popular in the 1920s and then again in the ’40s and ’50s, the big fashion ring — also known as a cocktail ring — is hot again. Find just one you want or stack them high!


Simple, elegant, and the easiest to engrave. Bands are perfect for men or women, friends or loved one, to give or to get for yourself. Wear a band by itself or add one to an already bejeweled finger.


We’ve been doing this for a long time now… here are our favorite engravings for rings.


Always yours

My Soul Mate

Forever isn’t long enough…


The Future is Yours

While I breathe, I hope

80% of success in life is showing up.


Everything we are, we are because of you.

There’s no place like home, except Grandmas.

Hero without a Cape

Sisters by Chance, Friends by Choice.


To Do

-Baking Soda

1. Mix baking soda + warm water in bowl to form a paste

2. Rub ring in the paste

3. Rinse with water (Repeat 2 and 3 if necessary)

4. Stare at your beautiful ring all day

-Dishwash Detergent

1. Mix 3 parts warm water to 1 part detergent

2. Use a SOFT-BRISTLE toothbrush to scrub the ring

3. If needed, let the ring sit in the solution overnight

4. Rinse in warm water

5. Admire your shiny ring!


** Best for bringing out color and shine in precious stones

1. Mix 3 parts warm water with 1 part pure ammonia

2. Let the ring sit for 3 -5 minutes

3. Rinse in warm water

4. Holy Smokes, check out that dazzling ring

Don’t Do

Don’t wear it during vigorous sports
Anything that impacts your hands can bend or break the prongs that hold your stone in place. The same goes for water activities (swimming, water skiing, boating) because it’s easier for your ring to slip off.

Don’t wear it while cleaning
Ordinary cleaning materials won’t damage your diamonds, matter of fact – during cutting, stones are cleaned by boiling them in acid (don’t try this at home). Household cleaners such as bleach and common chemicals, such as acetone nail polish remover and chlorine from pools and hot tubs can erode alloys in precious metals.

Don’t leave it unchecked
Even if you are super duper careful, it’s good to get regular checks by an experienced jeweler every six to 12 months to make sure the settings are secure.


It’s best to clean your ring every week.

…right, but that’s not going to happen. So instead:

Try to at least clean your ring 4 times a year. A good way to remember is when the seasons change.

Have your ring checked and polished by an expert 2 or 3 times a year. Good reminders are before your wedding anniversary and a Holiday (why not have your ring sparkling in the pictures!).

Now Go, Shop, Save big on all Rings!