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10 Long Distance Relationship Gifts To Keep You Close!

10 Long Distance Relationship Gifts To Keep You Close!

Feb 18th 2022

by Lori Torman

ten long distance relationship gifts

The internet has helped people to find love all over the world. Online dating sites, social media platforms, and more have helped to open the gates for finding love both near and far. However, for many, this means you rarely get to spend quality time with your love in person. If you’re in a long distance relationship, here are some great gift ideas to help you feel closer.

  1. On the Road Gifts – A tangible gift that can be taken with your partner on the road, to work, out to cafe’s, and more is a gift that will add value and meaning to their daily lives and will be a constant reminder of your love. A personalized keychain engraved with sweet words reminding them to stay safe is a popular, affordable choice among couples.

drive safe custom keychain

2. House Plant – Whether they’ve got a green thumb or not, no matter – if they’ve got a green thumb than they’ll love getting a new plant! If they don’t, it’ll bring forth the exciting challenge of learning to take care of the precious plant you carefully picked out for them. Make sure you pick a plant that’s native to their environment and that will live well in the space they have to keep it in.

3. Animated Book featuring you and your partner – This is a super cute gift that anyone in a relationship would love to be on the receiving end of. Shutterfly and other similar online companies give you the option to create an actual book that features pictures of yourself, your loved one and text describing those special moments you shared for you to cherish for years and years. If you ever have children together, they can look through your book when they’re older and see how in love their parents were.

4. Pet – This is a tricky one because pets are expensive and they can cause problems inside the house sometimes especially when they’re young. But, if your special someone has been begging for a puppy or a kitty and they’re willing to take on the responsibility of pet ownership, the pet can be good company for them until you can be around more permanently.

sweet beagle puppy

5. Body Pillow – For all those nights they sleep alone, wishing they were holding you, this pillow definitely won’t take your place, but it might help give them a smaller added comfort.

6. Tee-Shirts With Your Partner’s Face – This is a fun gift and one that you can wear together but in separate locations. It’ll help your friends and family to get acquainted with your loved one’s face and will make you both smile each time you look down and see them. It’s a cute and quirky gift that everyone can get a laugh out of!

7. Custom Music Playlist – Heres an oldie, but a goodie – create a custom music playlist for you both to share. Put together some of your personal faves and your partners and mix in any great tracks you’ve both enjoyed together.

8. Camera – If you’re not together in the flesh than you’re going to want to take lots of pictures to send each other. A good camera is a must-have!

9. Smartphone – Your partner needs to be able to connect with you throughout the day and night. If their current phone is slow, hardly picks up connections, drops calls, has a shattered screen, etc…then a new smartphone is a much-needed gift. You may even want to add your partner to your existing phone plan if they’re not set-up with a good one already. You could both save monthly and end up with awesome new phones to boot!

happy new smartphone

10. Roundtrip Travel Ticket – Last, but likely one of the most substantial gifts is a roundtrip ticket to see your love. Whether it be by train, by airplane, boat, or car rental – a ticket to spend quality time with your romantic interest is one of the best gifts you can give. One that will be appreciated and likely reciprocated so you can keep spending time together in the future.

Don’t let the distance in your relationship spoil all the fun! Make the best of it – send your partner any of these gifts to make the miles between you feel like they’re not even there.